Stray Nova 是一款拉丁文字体,但它的灵感来自于东方的篆刻印章。其横向收紧的字宽、粗糙的边缘触感,迂回且以最大限度填充方块区域的笔画,都赋予着它独具一格的辨识度。在窄字距下横向排布成段落时,Stray Nova 会在版面形成分段感,以传达出一种独特
This type grabbed
my attention at a first glance. I always want to be surprised by a contemporary
piece of work with a novel idea but based on the things which have been
inherited from generation to generation. This type has a kind of consistent, tightly
woven texture which we find in seal carving (篆刻) and it fascinates me.
This typeface
achieves the difficult objective of appearing casual and informal, while
maintaining the tight proprtions required for typographic use. It is also
notalbe for successfully immitating the stroke shapes and movements of the
tool. Most of the strokes have the expected direction, and some introduce jsut
enough ofg variation to make this distinctive.
It's always
pleasantly suprising, as a judge, to received challenging submissions. I like
balloons, and I've been charmed by this typeface's quaint take on the genre.
However, this is not a naive attempt and I'm glad that the skills involved to
make such design actually work were successfuly put in motion.